This blog post is a reboot of one from a year ago, back when it wasn’t life-threatening to forget your mask when leaving the house. This post has two important updates.
September 6 to the 12th, 2020 was National Suicide Prevention week. Raising awareness for this other pandemic that pre-dates COVID-19 cannot be overdone. 132 people in the U.S. died by suicide daily in 2018, and those numbers are rising...
Almost a year ago, I was talking with someone at a shiva of all places about Dad. She asked if I knew what I’d say in my eulogy, and I told her I did. She said, “Tell him now before he’s gone.”
That’s Illinois House Representative, Bob Morgan, who represents the State’s 58th District. Bob’s rich background in public health and law made him the perfect interview subject to discuss the pandemic and pot.
That’s Dori Mages, clinical therapist, and owner of North Shore Family Services, which provides counseling services for parents, teens, kids, couples, and adults. To no one’s surprise, behavioral health practitioners have had their hands full.
In all of the Rocky movies, there was not a single punch that the Italian Stallion could not take. I don’t count his first loss to Clubber Lang in Rocky III because, clearly, Mr. Balboa was distracted by the impending death of his beloved trainer...
Disconnecting from your audience is a dangerous game that can send a bad message at the worst time and cause your customers and prospects to wonder the following:
That’s Illinois State Representative, Jonathan Carroll, who’s on a mission to change the law that would stop certain schools from putting children with special needs into isolation rooms.
Welcome to the third and final installment of my interview with Brian Thomas, founder of the law firm Thomas Law based in downtown Chicago and writer of the blog, Your Doubting Thomas.